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Beat EDGY Weekly Week 2 games

Make sure to play the FREE Weekly Beat EDGYTIM...Weekly prediction contest.

Beat EDGYTIM...Weekly prediction contest is the best and longest running state-wide prediction contest. Play each and every week for free right here right now.

So are you ready? It's EASY to play! Just click the link to Beat EDGYTIM Weekly and follow the simple rules and instructions......and you too can TRY to match picks with EDGYTIM.

Make sure to check out the EDGYTIM's weekly top picks later this week, or roll the dice and pick your winners now.

Deadline for Week 2 selections is Friday, August 31th 2018 at 2:00PM CST. NO ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER 2PMM CST.

Also, only ONE ENTRY PER EMAIL ADDRESS/POSTER will be allowed. Winners are announced the Wednesday after each week's games are played.

Play today and Beat EDGYTIM...Weekly today.

Week 1 results

Week 1 Winner? Congrats to YaySports! who went 9-1 in a very tough Week 1.

Total entries: 211

Average score per player in Week 1? 6-4

EDGYTIM went 7-3 in Week 1.

Toughest games to pick in Week 1?
Toughest games to pick in Week 1?
Toughest game to pick in week 1?
Toughest game to pick in week 1?
Toughest game to pick Week 1?
Toughest game to pick Week 1?