Published Dec 4, 2017
RB Brock looks ahead
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Tim OHalloran  •  EdgyTim

Quincy (Ill.) junior four star ranked running back recruit Jirehl Brock (6-foot-0, 186 pounds) is now focused on his junior basketball season for Quincy High School this winter. However, football recruiting seems to always be in the picture for Brock, who takes a few minutes to update us on his latest recruiting news here.

"I've been fully focused on basketball season now but I still stay on top of my recruiting," Brock said. "I've been able to make a few visits since the season ended and I'm starting to see some coaches back into school last week."

Brock filled us in on his recent in school visitors and suitors.

"Coach (LaVar) Woods from Iowa was in school last week and so was Coach (Lovie) Smithy from Illinois. I was also able to get out not too long ago and make visits to Iowa State, Missouri and Illinois. I might also get back out to Iowa soon for a bowl practice I've been staying in touch with Illinois, Iowa, Iowa State, Cincinnati, Notre Dame and also Ohio State."

Brock is also hoping to use his spring and early summer to start to look harder into schools.

"It's basketball season now so between school work and basketball I stay pretty busy. Once we get closer towards the spring I'm planning to get out and see a bunch of schools in person. I'm also starting to think more and more about making a summer college decision. I'd like to get out to see schools this spring like Notre Dame, Ohio State and Minnesota. I'm sure I'll add more schools to that list."

Does Brock have any early favorites?

"No, I'm very open at this stage. I'm very open and willing to listen to and look into any schools that offers me a scholarship or shows interest in me. I like everyone who has shown interest in me and I haven't eliminated anyone yet."

Brock is also still considering attending a January combine.

"I was invited to the US Army All American Bowl combine in January in Texas. I still haven't decided on going or not since it's in the middle of my basketball season."

Jirehl Brock has scholarship offers from Iowa, Michigan State, Iowa State, Illinois, Missouri, Minnesota and Cincinnati.

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