What: 8th annual Red Grange Classic 7on7 and Linemen Challenge
When: Friday, June 28th 2018
Where: Wheaton Warrenville South High School first games begin at 9AM
Who: Aurora Christian/Bartlett/DeKalb/Downers Grove South/Glenbard North/Huntley/Lincoln-Way East/Lockport/Lyons Township/Maine South/Metea Valley/Montini Catholic/Naperville Central/Naperville North/New Trier/Oswego East/Rochester/Schaumburg/St. Charles North/West Aurora/Wheaton North/Wheaton South
Several of the top teams from Chicagoland and beyond will take part in one of the state's top summer team events.
5 Questions heading into the 8th annual Red Grange Classic
EDGYTIM breaks down the field at this Friday's Red Grange Classic and gives you his 5 biggest questions.
1. Can Class 8A defending state champion Lincoln-Way East just reload and not skip a beat in 2018?
On the surface Lincoln-Way East doesn't exactly have an overwhelming resume for the 2018 season...of course the returning number of starters alone never tells the entire story and that's certainly will be the case with the Griffins on Friday. Lincoln-Way East and head coach Rob Zvonar has a roster loaded with talent and a roster blessed with numbers, and despite needing to replace 17 graduated starters this team will be just fine. A fee things to also keep in mind here...7on7 isn't the Griffins game whatsoever, so fully expect thew Griffins to run it's base offense and get work in. Lincoln-Way East will also be missing a handful of key names including standout 2020 WR/RB AJ Henning (recovering from a off season injury). I'm more interested in seeing just how well the Griffins linemen look at the linemen challenge as opposed to the 7on7 portion on Friday.
2. Could 4A power Rochester be one of the best overall 7on7 team at this event on Friday?
The defending Class 4A powerhouse Rochester Rockets return and head coach Derek Leonard will no question need to reload in several spots this summer after graduating some standout names including QB Nik Baker. Yet with then likes of senior WR/DB Cade Eddington and WR/DB Riley Lewis back in the fold, the Rockets always seem to find a way to compete. Also this whole 7on7 spread the field and fling the football all over the place deal is basically the Derek Leonard's offense on grass...so expect the Rockets to be at minimum very competitive here.
3. Who has answers to some very difficult questions?
Several schools at the Red Grange Classic on Friday will be in search of answers to some serious questions at key spots, and that includes schools looking to replace several key long term starters and leaders. A few examples? Huntley minus QB Eric Mooney, Lyons Township minus QB Ben Bryant or Naperville North without QB Drake Davis. How about Maine South without running back Fotis Kokosiolius? Or Rochester without QB Nik Baker?
4. How well can the remaining DuPage conference teams match up against the new Dukane conference teams?
Look, someone had to ask the question...with the recent divorce of the old DuPage Valley conference, the remaining DVC teams (including Red Grange teams Metea Valley/Naperville Central/Naperville North and Neuqua Valley) will be going against former DVC teams and new DuKane Conference teams (including Red Grange teams Wheaton South/Wheaton North/St. Charles North and Glenbard North). Needless to say we should see some extra incentive for any and all teams whenever the remaining DuPage Valley teams faces off against the new Dukane teams on Friday. I just have a feeling that we will see some extra juice whenever these old DVC rivals square off against each other on Friday.
5. So who are some of the top individual names to watch on Friday?
Lots of talented names will be represented on Friday and below are just a few of the higher profile names to watch.