football Edit

S Kilburg remains in demand

Park Ridge (Ill) Maine South junior safety recruit Ryan Kilburg (6-foot-1, 181 pounds) has remained on several college recruiting radar screens this spring. Kilburg, who is holding five scholarship offers so far this spring recaps his latest football recruiting news and more in this latest update.

"My recruiting has been going pretty well," Kilburg said. "I have 5 offers so far and I've also been in contact with several other schools. I've also been able to get out to visit some schools in person over the winter."

Kilburg filled us in on his latest recruiting news.

"I have scholarship offers from Western Michigan, Bowling Green, Ohio, South Dakota and Navy. I've also been in contact with the coaches from Kansas State, Michigan State, Minnesota, Harvard, Brown and Holy Cross. I've been able to get out and visit Holy Cross, Harvard, Miami of Ohio and also Western Michigan. All of the schools that I've been in contact with all have invited me out to visit them this spring. Those same coaches also are telling me that they will be back in school to see me in a few weeks."

Kilburg, who's planning to major in Business in college filled us in on what he's working on this off-season.

"I've been focused on improving my cover skills along with improving my footwork. I'm always basically working on everything right now. I'm also working on improving my overall tackling and just becoming a better all around player. I work with EFT and Coach Pete (Houlihan) on my defensive back skills. I feel that I can read plays pretty well along with being a leader for my tam and for the defense."

Kilburg is also excited about his 2019 senior season.

"We graduate 10 starters off our defense so I'm the lone returning starter back for this coming season. We have a lot of good kids and players and everyone will need to step up. We have a lot of talent and I'm excited for my senior season and we will be a very good team again."

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