Lake Zurich Ill. four star ranked inside linebacker Jack Sanborn (6-foot-3, 220 pounds) has been committed to the Wisconsin Badgers for just over a year now and plans to make his decision final and official on Wednesday.
"I'll be signing my Letter of Intent at school on Wednesday morning," Sanborn said. "I'm just really glad that I can make it official now and can put my recruiting behind me."
Sanborn also is coming off his recent official visit to Wisconsin, a visit that just made Sanborn's early decision even easier.
"I had my official visit to Wisconsin last weekend and and it went well. I had a chance to spend a lot more time with the other recruits and they all seem like great guys. The visit just made me realize that Wisconsin is just the best overall fit for me on the field and in the classroom. It's just a great fit overall and I just want to sign on Wednesday and have it all done."
Was Sanborn ever tempted by other schools after he gave the Badgers his verbal commitment?
"Schools respected my decision. A few coaches would check in from time to time but I just let them now right after that I had no intentions of backing off my commitment to Wisconsin. I basically just told them thanks but no thanks."
So what's next for Sanborn after signing his Letter of Intent on Wednesday?
"I just had surgery on Thursday so I'll be resting and trying to exercise as much as I'm allowed over the holiday break. I also have my final exams after Christmas break so I'll need to get ready for those."
So what advice would Sanborn give other kids who will be recruited in the Class of 2019 and beyond?
"I would tell other kids to enjoy it and to just live in the moment. At the end of the day not a lot of kids really get recruited. Just enjoy it all and make the most of your opportunity."
Jack Sanborn is verbally committed to Wisconsin.