Published Aug 2, 2019
Watch List: DL Tommy Matheson
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Tim OHalloran  •  EdgyTim

Gurnee (Ill.) Warren Township junior defensive end prospect Tommy Matheson (6-foot-4, 250 pounds) is one of several underclassmen to watch from the Home of the Blue Devils this coming season. Get to know this latest name to watch in the Class of 2021 here.

"I've been focused on my team and we just wrapped up our team camp last week," Matheson said. "We have two weeks off now until we report back for practices on August 12th. These days I'm just lifting and working out and getting ready for the season."

Matheson recapped his busy summer college camp travels and latest recruiting news here.

"I ended up camping this summer at Northwestern and also North Central College camp. I was able to meet a lot of different coaches at the college camps and the camps overall went well for me."

So what did Matheson work on to improve his overall game for this fall?

"I really worked on all of it to be honest. My main focus was on just improving my punch and strength and just becoming more violent. I also worked hard on my pass rushing skills at EFT and now I feel that it's one of the strongest parts of my game. I also was able to add more good weight this off season."

Matheson is also hoping to get off to a stronger start this season after playing his first varsity season in 2018.

"Last season was a big adjustment for me especially early on in the season. The game was much more physical and every had great technique. The game was also much faster and everyone at the varsity level had size and strength and speed. Once I got going in my first game things started to become more comfortable for me."

So does Matheson have a dream school?

"Northwestern would be my dream school. They are so close to home and they offer great academics. I've been going to football and basketball games at Northwestern for years and they just offer a great mix of academics and athletics."

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